For 12 years she trooped around with me, enthusiastically* embracing any suggestion for an adventure I had- no matter how dumb an idea it would turn out to be. There are lots of things I did and trips I made that I just don't think I would have done if I didn't always have her at the ready to go with me, no questions asked.
She cheered me up when I was sad, cuddled with me when I felt lonely, kept me warm when I was cold, accompanied me into rest stops at odd hours, and made me laugh on a daily basis. It's impossible to list every great time we had together; we slept in awful motels all around the country, camped in beautiful places, made trips by foot, boat, car, train, bus and one time a rickshaw, and if the trip wasn't always awesome, it was at least less sucky because I had my dog with me.
There are few people whose company gave me as much enjoyment as hers did, and every day since she has been gone has been quiet in a way that I feel profoundly.
*level of enthusiasm was often weather dependent, but honestly she was right; walking around in the rain is stupid.