Saturday, October 14, 2006

I LOVE FIRE!!!!!!!!

Isn't that pretty? I love it, I dont even feel bad about it. I wish I could hug fire.

So this weekend I went with Adam to one of his shifts at a wood firing at Baltimore Clayworks. Each shift is 3 hours, and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Oh yeah, and I'm a supportive girlfriend. Man, I rule.

Anyway, it was pretty fun, and is a big social experience. People show up with food and booze, and just hang out shooting the sh*t, coming and going as they feel like it.

<- nice thermos, huh? It goes on for 28 hours too, so if you can't sleep you have somewhere to go where there are guaranteed to be people to talk to. It's kind of like NYC :o)

Anyway the firing was interesting, but not so interesting that I went back with him for his 3am shift but I'm glad I went. Engine block cooking, as far as cool things to do to make food go, I have met your match: kiln top chili. Next time I'm going to try to make something to cook on the kiln.

I'm going to keep nagging Adam to take pictures of his stuff. When he does, I'll post pics, links and prices.

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