Friday, May 11, 2007

yeah, fine. i'm judgemental. suck it.

so, i was poking around the internet (avoiding work) and found this sad little story about these people from england who were on vacation and someone stole their kid, from their hotel room. where they had left her and a set of 2 year old twins unattended while they went to dinner.

now, i'm sorry your kid got stolen and all that shit (and i won't even go into how they have the gall to criticize the portugese police, who by the way are only on this job because you LEFT YOUR CHILDREN ALONE IN A HOTEL ROOM IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY), but fucking seriously?

SOMETIMES YOU JUST CANNOT MAKE IT TO THAT TAPAS BAR. and you have to deal. and in perhaps what might be my favorite part of justifying this behavior, there's the "well we'd done it all week and it was fine, and we were going to check on them every 30 minutes or so during dinner" excuse. oh wow, you're right. that's capital, and this is not your fault at all. you're up for parents of the f*cking year in my book.

just seriously people. i don't have kids, and i'm sure it gets exhausting, and you don't want to go to bed at 7pm or whatever, and you still deserve a life and all that shit but suck it up. sometimes you have to stay in. or pay for a babysitter. or eat on your balcony. or arrange for one of your other travelling family friends to stay in with all the kids one night (instead, the whole group of them just all left their kids alone and went out for dinner every night)

it's just stupid. you have kids, you bring them somewhere, you have a responsibility to them to take care of them and make sure strange people can't just waltz into your hotel room and take them away, because you're too busy have drinks with your friends to parent.
i don't even have kids and i know that.


testglobaltraffic said...

nice blog

The Great Explorer said...

You say judgemental, I say smart. See, your head is full of working brain. Some people (read: the parents of the missing child) don't have big huge working brains so they have to do things like, say, leave their children alone to have dinner in a different country. But in the end, we have to remember to thank these same people... without them, we're just not as smart. In fact, we're all the same. And that would be such a shame, don't you agree?

PS Don't tell them but she's in my basement...

Cerebral Itch said...

Right on girl - you need to unleash your scathing wit on more things; or just bake more hilarious cakes.

Ichiro A said...

This is so difficult because all of these websites (including blogger, google...etc) knows im in Japan (Japan IP#) everything is in japanese! Im kind of guessing which button to press...etc lol Anyways... I decided to keep Haley's cage just for this reason! Nice soft bed, pee pad. what more does a baby need? ;)