Wednesday, May 23, 2007

picture summary of what's going well

First and foremost, undoubtedly the prettiest thing in the house right now (but only because im unshowered and got my hair cut by a barber this week. Long story, lesson learned, I won't do that again), someone brought me some flowers he picked.

Up close they're very cool. Some of them are variegated and look painted:
Notice my magic bullet smoothie in the background

They're called Dame somethings, I'm going to have to look it up because he told me twice, and I've been bad at "listening" of late.

And these little guys are cool because they go to sleep at night:
and wake up in the morning:
How do they know??

While we're on the topic of plants, you may ask how does my garden grow?
Full o' peas and peppers and tomatoes and herbs. (heh. herbs)
and a random dahlia pot too.

The tire in the background will be transformed. Wait and see.

Check out my ginormous peas! Did you know you can train them to grow up ropes. I am the pea-charmer!

And this is just an interesting little thinger I bought. The dog refused to not be in the picture, which is probably good because it distracts from the death happening in the pot next to her.

My plant is not holding up well. It's supposed to look like this, which is very cool

And last but not least, I have no idea what this is, but I believe I may have discovered what was in primordial soup (old beer, crystal light, dawn detergent and vinegar as far as I can recall but I was not paying attention. Great science often happens by accident). It looks frighteningly like I'm growing a baby in here, and it gets bigger every day. I can't wait until it hatches (I hope it doesn't bite) ! It's hard to see (or maybe hard to capture with the wine) but there's a dark blobby center in there that's getting big too. Becky and I are having a race to see who can produce a blob first!
And that's it for this morning. I should get back to work, as I'm on a phone meeting and I beleive it's about my turn to speak. zzzzzzzzz


elinor said...

My dad charmed peas! We used to have a big yard where he could have a big random garden. Now we have a smaller house and he's just getting around to overhauling the whole backyard. Me, I have a tiny herb plant in my window (

Becky said...

My blob is bigger than your blob!!

kerry said...

yes, but i can still drink sucker!mmm, frosty beer. i hear it's going to be 90 this week. want to go for a margarita? oh wait, you cant! YOUR BLOB IS OFF THE SAUCE. my blob clearly rules.