Friday, October 12, 2007

Sexual contact for a cookie is a completely fair trade, but it better be a damn good cookie.

Today I am at NSI in a different capacity than usual, for an exhibit on my 2nd product line, which is used for Diabetic Risk Assessment. (more info here)

So I am the booth babe, which, while I do admit there's no finer choice in my company (since I am the only girl) still sucks. I hate trade shows, I get cage rage. I am stuck behind a table while people walk by and refuse to make eye contact with me. I have a mild hangover, which admittedly isn't helping, but it makes me so angry to *have* to stay in one place. I think I just object to being told what to do.

When I get home tonight I am going to stuff myself into my new favorite climbing T-shirt* and take it out on the wall. Or pass out on the couch and try to re-hydrate myself. Either way I will be chilling wif' my new schwag, and loving every minute of it.

*= I have never gotten so many compliments on a shirt at the gym, and I wear some pretty slutty stuff so that's saying something! I would not have thought my ravishing rack could be improved upon but I am now in the know.

**I'm not sure why I am semi-obsessed with referring to myself as a monkey these days, but being at this conference all day and a recent conversation with a friend resulted in me deciding to decide what kind of monkey I am. I am totally a bonobo.

bonobos hug it out! (and then some)

1 comment:

Ichiro A said...

The Cookie Monster has no standards... ;)