Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's that time of year...

Return of the tomato thief

Monday, May 17, 2010

It's not a tumor!

oh if I had a dollar for everytime I stuck a needle into myself in the name of draining the abcess looking thing that's taking hold on my nose right where the cat almost killed me and nothing came out, I'd have one american dollar.

And a really sore f*cking nose. ouch. :o(

Friday, May 14, 2010

Do not hate when you see what I create...

I have been hit by a veritable thunderbolt of inspiration from the heavens some dude's shop I was walking by. It was like the perfect storm of me deciding just this week that I wanted to cultivate a mint sampler, me coming into a bunch of different types of mint (some ridonkulous lemon balm I found in my neighbor's yard and snuck in and stole a big clump of while she was at work and my other neighbors egged me on, spearmint from HN in the form of a mega rhizome from his stash at school, peppermint from my neighbors yard snaking under my fence), my new book saying I should, and me walking by this dude's awesome thing while thinking to myself "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere I am going to put my mint? How do I do this?"

Mint is not the kind of thing you plant on purpose in your yard unless you plan on going into the tea business, or you were looking for some fieldy type groundcover because your ivy just isn't pernicious enough, or you just love the thrill of a constant battle for containment. I don't have any of those things going on right now, so I don't want mint in the yard.

I don't want mint on the roof garden. Because I said so, that's why.

So anyhow I'm ambling down the street yesterday drinking my coffee and pondering when don't I just about trip over this thing and knock it over.

I'm not going to describe it because when I tried telling people about it last night at this party we went to I got some serious side eye and one dude made the crazy sign when he thought I wasn't looking, so clearly I am not painting an adequate picture with my words, but it is going to be flipping sweet. I'm absolutely on fire about this, so there's every chance my lunch break is going to involve a Home Depot run, you won't even have to wait that long. But know ahead of time, it's going to rule. And it is going to be made out of $12 ducting.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Getting his snuggle on...

it's that kind of day in the hood...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

On organic farms they till it like it is.

Or like it was brought in in bags that said organic, whatever works for an individual.

Behold my hearty specimen!!!

This year I threw caution to the wind and planted my garden in late March. I am a rebel, but don't be frightened. The total upside to living with the gardening teacher is that if any of the bad ass heirloom plants he brought you home and told you not to put out yet die because you didn't listen, there's a decent chance he has more to bring you.

So anyway, I had green fever and planted everything outside over a month ago and shit is happening around these parts!

First the old:

First pepper bloom!

Pepper patch a la Earthbox

When I grow up, I want to be a Kohlrabi!

Tomato plant is strong like bull!

Group photo. From near to far: Spice bucket (lemon verbena, african blue basil, rosemary, oregano, sage), Flower bucket, beet bucket (not shown), pepper box (3x hot and 3x sweet), tomato bucket, tomato bucket, tomato earth box, carrot bucket, kohlrabi bucket. Hoo-ah!

But wait there's more! well, there will be anyway. So the house next to us is vacant. It's on the market but they're asking some crazy amount for it and I don't see it going anytime soon. they don't need to sell it, so they're unwilling to move on the price for a while. They have a nice yard in the sense of getting light and stuff and being flat and kind of a shitty yard in the sense that yesterday it looked like this (but worse because I didn't start out with the camera)

The only thing you missed is a few saplings I cut down. I dont know if you can tell, but it was roughly knee high all around.

After an hour or 2 it looked like this:

And I felt totally spent and calm in the way that one can after a solid 2 hours with a machete and a rake. Yes machete, I went old school and I liked it. Some of the plants got whacked when they weren't looking, some were warned: There can be only one! and then beheaded.

Let's get some perspective on this, from the vantage of my rooftop garden paradise:

Oh how I wish I'd gotten the before from this angle!

Off topic: that's my yard on the right. Don't mind it's lack of luster, there are big ideas afoot for that this weekend.

Anyhow, HN and I and one neighbor on the other side of this patch of weeds have decided we're going to put a garden in there. Using more of HN's badass heirloom strains because he has extras we're going to go large scale tomato and pepper (always with basil to keep the tomat-hos happy) and 1-2 zucchini plants. This weekend we get the tiller and take it all from drab to fab so stay tuned.

Hopefully soon I'll have better pics of my rooftop paradise as well. It's not very paradise-y right now, but that should also change this weekend.

Viva le DIY!!

I don't know where that pile of grass clippings went...

Monday, May 3, 2010

The short version

Tuesday I flew to MS drove to LA to pick up some equipment, drove back to MS, north north ever northwards, through a tornado alley where only 3 days before a tornado had crossed the highway, sweeping cars out of it's way

Trust me, it's very dramatic in person. Just hard to get while beebopping, talking on the phone and cruising in my sweet minivan (which DID turn out to be mad comfy for the long haul. I love captain's chairs!)

Weds, do my business then onto OKC at night where I had wrangled a decent room, although I spent only 10 hours in it so I didn't get to enjoy the way I might have. I did however sit in every sweet chair and play with all the buttons on the fancy shower nozzle just so I could say I had.

It's not the Ritz, but there was no blood that I could see!

Near the office where I was working, there was a development named Gaillardia. Houses like castles!

And when I was done working for the day I had some time before my flight, so I went and kicked around this nature preserve I found. I decided getting some walking in took precedence over exploring downtown OKC.

Hello from the wilds of Oklahoma!

A little moment of serenity before the clusterf*ck that was my travel home

Friday consisted of doing some work (gross! and tired!) and SIGNING THE CONTRACT ON THE HOUSE! Yay!

and then Saturday. Well since this is the quick version, I'll summarize with a couple of pictures.

Saturday featured...

A behatted 4,000 lb Platypus full of drums and didgeridoos

A large scary fish (with schoolbus for scale)

Who made not so veiled threats at an AVAM bigshot

A day of the dead couple of newlyweds

And their bad ass Day of the Dead horse drawn carriage

a Hookah smoking caterpillar

A big lie and a 50 lb trunk attached to the front of a vehicle I shouldn't have been pedaling

A smooth water entry and paddle and a not so smooth exit:
The view from the top. Of the Platypus, that is. Where I belong!

a real live pagoda:

more pedaling I shouldn't have been doing, this time on the Platypus and also inexplicably, fried chicken urgently delivered by an elderly woman who so believed in her duties that she ran in front of us while we were doing about 25mph downhill:
Other than the part where we almost killed her, because really it's kind of hard to stop a 2ton monotreme when he gets his momentum up, HN was psyched to see her. He loves his fried chicken!

and a sunset as pretty as any I can remember

Followed by a night's sleep that was for reals the highlight of my week. I slept the sleep of the physically beaten and righteously exhausted. and I loved it! Sitting down on Sunday, not so fun owing to the BIG LIE and the associated lack of cycling shorts.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

90 and Sunny sound PERFECT

And so it begins. kinetic baltimore 2010