Sunday, April 15, 2007

im about to dismantle some shit.

so we're having a windstorm tonight; let me tell you about the wonder of engineering that is my front door. whoever hung the outer door and inner door managed to hang them so that the handles are at *exactly* the same level. it's perfectly lined up, latch to knob. the problem is that the door frame is about 1/4" too thin to accomodate them both.

the consequence? you can't have both doors shut at the same time. so usually in the interest of my personal warmth i keep the inside door closed. only with all the wind, the front door is flapping open and closed and smashing into the inner door. for some reason i dont ever remember this happening before, and it keeps surprising me. it sucks and if it werent cold and raining out, i would surely have attacked the whole kit with a hammer by now.

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