Friday, April 6, 2007

oh wow. i was cranky yesterday!

how did i not even notice that yesterday was thursday, my favorite day? i was so cranky and cynical all day i didnt even stop to savor the sweet anticipation of Friday, also known as "boo yeah, the weekend is here; f*ck you all!"

i'm glad that my cranky phase passed. i actually manually jacked it out of my life last night, because being angry gives you wrinkles and who needs that shit. i got home from work, in a bit of a snit (as you may or may not have gathered by way of the C bomb i dropped), and i decided i needed to turn my frown upside down, or at least try so i turned to my 2 major therapy outlets: shopping and climbing.

first, because i am a good citizen and like to patronize local businesses, i went to the falls road running store to get new sneakers. my current shoes are about 2 years old, and i have been hemming and hawing on buying new ones due to laziness among other factors but it's to the point where they just look beat and they can't be helping. (and i think we all know i need all the help i can get) anyhow, so i went to the running store and just marched in no nonsense and said "i need a pair of air pegasus right now. thats my favorite shoe" because this is the shoe i wore all through high school and college when i ran and it fits me very well. the last pair of running shoes i had deviated from this, they were one of those ones with the bubble in them and they were ok, but the foot just felt kind of funny (also might have been because the guy who sold them to me convinced me i needed to be wearing socks when i run so i went up half a size. turns out, its not true. i will not/cannot run with socks on) so anyhow. salesdude sensed i was not kidding and brought the requested shoe, in a very nonoffensive blue with red trim and i put them on, loving them as much as i knew i would and then he said "but". i gave him the hand and said "but nothing" and he continued on, mostly being ignored (i admire your tenacity bud) but i did hear the word "sale" which perked me up. whazzat salesboy? it turns out they had some newfangled fancy cushion based shoe (as opposed to air bubbles) that had the same body as a pegasus but some bells and whistles, and it should be $110 but was on sale for $70. in the name of being open minded -and loving a discount- i gave them a whirl, fake jogged around the store as best i could in my work clothes and bought them. the only hesitation came from having to look at them, because theyre pretty ugly. they look like something wrapped in tin foil, or "hubcaps for your feet" as the sales guy said. i decided now is not the time to start worry about how i look, so i bought em.
Call me the flash, bitches. Oh, and that little side panel is in case you have bunions, it stretches to mold around them. uh, thanks ?

directly upon leaving the running store i called katie, one of the girls i climb with and i told her i was feeling motivated and to get her ass to the gym, lest i have to climb alone with all those shirtless hunks around, and noone to talk to about them. we had spoken earlier in the day about whether or not we would climb and it was a lot of "eh, i dont know" so when i called her with my renewed vigor she was game, so we met up and did our thing for a couple of hours. and guessed who climbed her first 10.b ever? well since i'm definitely way too lazy to blog someone else's accomplishments, you would be correct in guessing me! i have never done a 10.b, not even in new mexico, which means that i am officially in the unchartered waters of progress and improvement. yay me! the other part that was fun was at one point we needed a break and so we were just sort of wandering around the gym observing and katie said "i can do a handspring, wanna see?" which mildly intrigued me, but the real meat of that sentence to me was that katie has no issue fucking off in public. we have just started climbing together so i have no real knowledge of how she is, but the fact that she was willing to fuck off and have playtime in the middle of the gym was music to my ears. we went up into one of the little climbing nooks upstairs and proceeded to test our gymnastic prowess. i have none by the way, but i did manage to nail the yoga headstand, which is where you make a cradle with your hands and put your head in it then go up to a headstand. katie can do tricks in hers, like wave her legs around helicopter style and stuff like that. i can not, but i did manage to hold the headstand for a bit and that was fun enough. she tried to teach me to do a backbend but i just don't and never have bend that way so she gave up and we did wall handstands instead. she was all "look i can do a walkover and then a backwards one too" so i had to pull out my big guns and do 3 somersaults in a row. she did a good job at hiding it, but i know that shit is awe inspiring.

i capped off the evening with some excellent conversations with a bunch of my favorite folks, including my nephew in arizona, who just turned 4. in speaking with him i was informed he had his foot in the kitchen sink, because he was "being up on daddy" (aka being held by my brother) and since he could stick his foot in the sink, he thought he should: i can totally see his point, and i expressed such opinion to him. i was also informed that he had lots of boogers(he's got a cold), his daddy said he was pink(he's got a fever) and he still loves fishes but not sharks, and that i have big hair. on this bit let me say i'm a little weirded out. when he was 22 months old they came to visit and i took him to the aquarium, where we loved on the fishes and he freaked out about the shark, and at some point he told me to make my hair big, which is baby slang for "rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair. so i can pull it". this was 2.5 years ago, and everytime i talk to him he brings up the trip. i'm a little worried he was traumatized somehow and that's why he recalls it so vividly. otherwise, dude's just weird or something.

and now today is FRIDAY! i do have to go to NSI, but only for half a day (the late half which is fine by me because showering before noon robs me of the chance to marinate in my own filth) and furthermore, i do *not* have to go into NSI tomorrow, or the next day. my weekend plans are not glorious, they are mundane. things like sewing projects, weed whacking and dusting, but somehow the more time i spend at NSI, the more satisfying things like that become.

1 comment:

Cerebral Itch said...

Crank is all part of your charm my dear. That and being one of the funniest broads on the East Coast.