Monday, September 17, 2007

The saddest monkey in the zoo

Woah. Today I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. At 2am. Which makes me one angry cookie.

The first work related email I sent out started with "I should stick my foot up your ass' . Luckily the co-worker to whom this was directed is a friend and deserves a foot up his ass so I'm clear, but I'm not sure I wouldn't have done it anyway. I just don't have any cheer left in the tank, and neither caffeine nor cheese can prop me up- you know its bad when it can't be fixed by caffeine, fat or chocolate.

And now I'm off to my monday madness meetings extravaganza, where I'm going to take it in the neck because we've discovered a memory leak in our software.


However, I did have a fantastic weekend and as soon as I can drag myself out of the depths of self pity I shall relate the tale. it involves my new boyfriend, the green iPod shuffle. We are totally in love!

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