Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Walk in the Woods (the Kerry Smith version)

Off topic: I want this thing for Star. She would be like my little prisoner of love in a bubble. Every little girl's dream, no?
Now, onward. This post is the story of a hike I went on, in pictorial form. Enjoy!

First, the characters:
This is lady. She likes car rides, walks on the beach, dead stuff. She does not so much like smaller dogs, which gives her points in my book.

I like to call this one Special J. You can't quite see it, but her outfit was truly something to see. I can appreciate the style of dress, and I think I got to see a little bit through the eyes of my friends how I might sometimes look to them.

And of course me. I wasn't wearing this outfit this day, but I thought since I was in Portland a little WEST SIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE love would be appropriate.

Now, the Story of Our Walk, as told by Kerry Smith, B.S. in BS

First, we walked through a path in the woods, under the highway to get to the beach. There was a suspension bridge and a spectacular view:
We are going right down the middle there.

Then, we got to the beach and marvelled at it's hugeness. I've seen "cliffs" at beaches before. I've never seen Mountains.
surfer dudes for a totally inadequate idea of scale.

Then Special J and I set out over some streams, over some fallen (giant!) trees, and up a path she had read about in her guide book.

We eventually got to this place, and took a left.
as you see, left was really our only option.

Going on a bit, we ended up here. Someone had conveniently placed a park bench so one would know where to sit to appreciate the view, though it was a bit windy for my tastes so we didn't linger.

Glancing off to the side, we noticed a path less travelled, so we decided to see where that led. Good call us!

It turned out to lead to a completely wind sheltered little cliff thinger, with this view, among other things.

After we realized we were out of path (unless we wanted to risk grievous bodily harm, which we didn't because we had dinner plans), we decided to lounge for a bit and enjoy the scenery, the effects polarized sunglasses have on waves, and a frickin' evil snack break:

Having taken our fill of self portraits, ocean waves in 4D and assorted snacks, we went back to the windy side of the cliff and continued on up the mountain.

At the top of the mountain we discovered a geocache box, full of notes and other stuff (including treasure!!)
There is treasure in here! I know this!

After taking more rest, sun and water, we grabbed our booty and headed back into the land of the lost:
We sat here to enjoy treasure and delicious mountain sorrel

Then boogied back down the mountain so as to get to a place serving real food, and meet up with our surfer dude pals at the beach.

Lady would have liked to linger:

We got back to the car area, Lady and I zonked out while other people did more industrious things involving surfboards, a truck and some tie ropes. Sometimes being too short to reach things is a real blessing. Amen.

This is what Sundays were made for.

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