Monday, January 31, 2011

You think you know it all and then WHAM

Yeah, that's right.

So I spent a fair bit of time last week working on a batik tablecloth. Because of the limited selection of dye colors available to me at 11pm on Friday night, and my unwillingness to wait until the next day to get a better dye, it looks alot like this bit:

Only bigger and wider. Table sized y'all

I had a bit of trouble with the wax and so I set out to do more research Saturday morning, only to discover that doh! (slaps forehead) my batik thing isn't a batik thing (correct word: tjap) at all. It's for woodblock printing.

Luckily, I happened to have supplies on hand for that, supplies consisting of 1) a wood block stamp (who knew!) 2) textile paints from the gift we made HNs dad for xmas and 3) stuff to print on (anything not nailed down or meowing)

NOTE: camera still in shop, so all pics taken with white balance challenged camera phone.

Test print 90 million. After printing solidly on some yardage, HN and I decided some negative space was in order. I had some rucksack canvas kicking around and thought I might make a mega bag...unfortunately for me I refused HN's offer to draw me some straight lines (registers or something in block print speak) so it came out crooked.

Ah well, it will be something!

Angle from which you can not see my mistakes:

Then I decided too much black, so I tried painting it in in various ways:

I like it, although it makes the whole thing a little cartoony looking in a way I'm sure I can use somewhat but not what I was thinking for the tablecloth in my head.

Then I tried just painting the flowers, which I think I like a bit. Not sure if this is the color I would use for an actual tablecloth, but I think I can trim the crooked parts off and make a sweet pillow for the living room.

More to come, for sure like. I've already collected 2 sheets and several pillowcases that I didn't like that much anyway and HN has gotten into the game by bringing me other candidates. It's about to get arts and crafts up in here!

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...


I am seriously living through you right now. Seriously.