Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Patience children...

The desk will come. The things is, I really want you, my audience to get the full effect, so I'm trying to hold off until it's 100% done, including ergonomic devices installed, computers set up and shit (like POW, behold, for it is my workstation! and shit) , but I haven't been arsed to finish the cleaning of the room that I started when I undertook constructing the thing (there was a lot of stuff in there I didn't much need but having not seen it for so long as it was buried under piles of other stuff I really didn't need masked the depth of the project- it really turned into a major thing overall), BUT I'm making progress. Should be finished this week and I will for certain post pictures shortly. Then it will be a simple matter of finding the perfect stool to go with. I'm thinking Ikea, but will make the obligatory rounds at local thrift stores before shelling out. I will attempt to placate with this picture of the desk in the early phases of construction. I didn't think to take a total before picture (as in, when my bureau was poorly fitted into this cubby and it's potential was wasted) but use your imagination.

I have mounted the supporting boards. Titillating, no?*

In the meantime, sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've spent lots of time away from the computer, and I've had tons of great ideas but unfortunately by the time I get back to my machine the ideas have deserted me. Terrible thing really, because some of that shit was funny. I don't remember what it was, but I remember cracking myself up over it. Not to worry though, I've found my microrecorder and am going to be carrying it with me from now on, to capture the pesky ideas as they come and transcribe and expand on them for your reading pleasure. I'm going to be like the Hunter S Thompson of blogging. Minus all the shooting at stuff and road trips, etc. (for now anyway, though hopefully the road trips bit will come in due time)

In the meantime, I was reading this story and all I can think is "I WOULD DO IT" and then "why???" I would totally take a menial job if the cash was decent. Sigh, where are my offers? Yes, rich people I will be the best fucking PA you ever had! It's like in Europe, where all sorts of jobs pay decent wages, so you don't just get the people who can't do anything else doing things like streetpaving and baristas, etc (did I just insult U.S. streetpavers and baristas? I didn't mean to...)

I was also reading this (thanks Mimi Smartypants) and wondering about this poor soul. He's way too cerebral about his Garfield. I mean, really is all. Seriously.

and in other news, I have added fish to my menagerie! yay! ok, I didn't really add them, they were castoffs from some animal behavior thing that went down but they are oh! so! pretty! and I don't mind telling you I made a sweet little pad for the one of them. The other is still in his institutional looking bowl, but I will save him soon. I've been scouring thrift stores and yard sales for more interesting containers but haven't found "the one" yet. but I will, and you know this. and more importantly, I know this. I believe in me!!

Anyhow, my fish. You should see his trick.

In fact, let me put you on hold and go download the pictures I took of cool fish. You'll see what's so cool about it in a minute and in the meantime, you just sit right there and think about what you've done:.....

So here is blue fish. I'm thinking of naming him Kitty because that always seems to want to come out of my mouth when I'm talking to him. I'm still on the fence though.

Check out his cool oversized barware shack:

and for his first trick, magic fish will DISAPPEAR! (oooh, aaah, no?)

and then, he will come back IN DUPLICATE (the crowd goes wild!)


You can't tell me that's not cool. or that I don't get out enough.

and the ants have given up! I basically put everything I had containing sugar in the freezer and I believe they have accepted that I am more stubborn than they are and gone to the neighbors house. SUCK IT EXOSKELETOR!

*I have been encountering many foreign people lately and I have noticed many seem to end their sentences with a question. I like it, I'm giving it a go for a bit.

1 comment:

Ichiro A said...

Whoa! Magic fish! Maybe you should get AE network to start a show "Fish Freak" LOL