Monday, January 14, 2008

I AM the walrus.

I can break anything: it is my gift. Some people are good with babies; some people are really good at math. Me? I can f*ck up some software, given enough time and the littlest bit of knowledge. It's very satisfying to bomb out someone's hard work. Isn't that sick?!

On those occasions when I have the quiet and focus to sit down and really go elbows deep into work stuff, I can be a pretty f*cking mean QA machine. As today. I am currently basking in the glow that is a simultaneous App and SQL server meltdown. I killed .net and SQL 2005. I am so nerdly proud of myself it itches. I killed .NET so bad it doesn't even know it's dead.


and clumsy. In my last note I alluded to but did not describe the fall I took the other day while out running. While I wait for .NET to figure out how dead it is, I have decided it's time for that perennial favorite The Artist's Rendering of the Incident.

To encapsulate the incident and set the scene, I should point out that I was running while looking at the toys all over the lawns of the houses I was near. I was not looking at the sidewalk. If I had been I would have noticed that tree roots were growing and making the sidewalk all crooked and stuff and that I needed to watch out. But I wasn't looking. So I didn't notice that. I noticed that the neighbors kid had a pretty sweet big wheel, I noticed some blocks and thought it was nice to see some wooden toys too, and wondered whether I would have hot chocolate or tea when I got home. Then the next thing I knew I was flying through the air screaming, and next thing after that I was on my back with a sore elbow. I had some momentum. Luckily I wasn't hurt too bad and since I don't run on my elbows I could keep going.

Here is the picture:
Notice my green shirt. My green shirt is AWESOME. It matches my green shoes and together these are integral parts of my very professional runner looking outfit. I wear it all the time. It smells a little but not too much.


The Great Explorer said...

Your green shirt is hot. You lying on your back on the sidewalk just ads to the hotness. You say clumsy, I say seductive temptress.

Get a puppy, you'll feel like you're never going to move faster than a snails pace ever again. At this point, I couldn't fall if I tried.

The Great Explorer said...

Oh yeah, one more thing...

goo goo g'joob

Becky said...

WOW! The first part of your post is like a foreign language! But I LOVE the fact that you were checking out the kids toys. Hummm maybe kids for you one day????