Monday, March 10, 2008

T minus 48 hours and counting

Until I pull the trigger at NSI and turn my software loose on the world. Ok, maybe not "my" software as in I wrote it, but mine in the sense that I have nurtured it and written specifications and pointed out it's flaws and used phrases like "User and Task Analysis" and "Ivory tower development" in arguments that were sometimes wheedling and always profanity laden to get it where it is today. Without a doubt I could not have done it without my dev team, but also without a doubt they could not have done it without me. I pulled out the October version of our software the other day as a comparison and it's just amazing. I am so pleased with how far it's come. The new version is the phoenix rising from the ashes of the total fucking meltdown that occurred when we went live in November.

I keep wondering what I'm going to hate every day once NSI goes live. Will it be like the day after the wedding when the bride has a breakdown because now what will she research and plan and put her energy into? Will it be as celebratory as I think it will be? Most importantly, will I get my bonus??? It won't be so abrupt, as the T minus 48 hours applies to only 1 of 6 hospitals involved but this is The Big One. Maybe that will make it easier to let go, if it was even going to be hard. I very possibly see a trip home and a bender in my future. Just like the good old days.

There is also the possibility of a little Arizona time. My nephew is going to be 5 and last year was the first time I missed his birthday. It was not a great feeling, and I shouldn't like to do it again. If you're going to live 3000 miles away and want a kid to remember you, you need to go big or go home. Auntie prefers to go big.

In news on the home front, I am still burdened with the beautiful albatross that is my piano, however there is light at the end of the tunnel. For one I posted the most verbally flourished ad on CL and got an insane amount of responses. It's just like resume writing, action verbs are key! More importantly, the piano man who would not take it last week was burdened by conscience and so went out and found someone to take it for me! Yay for sad face, Details to follow. I have also made a very important (and significant- to me) decision. I am painting the living room. Right now it's red and I love the color but I can't believe how light absorbing it is. It's just not the kind of thing you can have in a north facing room with only 2 windows. I have begun to notice how a certain hot neighbor's house is starting to feel homier than my own -untenable!- and so I did some soul (and interior design book) searching and realized I need a bit of a brighter space. I will be consulting design experts, but this is likely going to snowball as my projects tend to do. One of my favorite parts about spring is the whole "rebirth" load of crap that comes with it. As cliche as it is, I do tend to hit the ground running once the days start to linger. I'm elbow deep in custom homemade bookcase #2 right now (not that I have all that many books with which to fill all of these shelves I'm building, see Winter purge entries, but this one is more for the purpose of showcasing some plants- It has levels, and it shall rock. Once I work out the whole "measuring" bit. I really thought I could do it all with pre-cut lengths of board from the Depot, but I butted the wrong ends up and so now there is .75 inches between me and happiness). There's got to be some tools or something out there that make the building process a little easier. Lining up boards for instance so the edges are flush. Anyone? Perhaps a workbench is the next project (I love how inspired I get to fix up my home as I'm pretending to be on the verge of moving)

And I'm off.

F*ck Monday.


The Great Explorer said...

Since you are attempting to be as Fantastic as THE Mr. F, thought I would help push you along with his agreement on the workbench. The floor is cool and all but when you want to really make stuff (and I do mean on a professional THE Mr. F level) you simply must have the right tools. Workbench away my friend. Let us know when you are ready for a build/plant off.

Ichiro A said...

SO! How did it go?

I thought you had a Dremel?
You should get the router attachment... it would make your life so much easier and you can put a nice edge to your home made bookcase :)

The Great Explorer said...

Dear lord woman, don't leave us hanging!! How did the unleashing go? SPILL!