Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I choose to believe it builds character

So due to a work emergency yesterday, all hands were called to the task of re-printing customer letters. Like 1,500 of them, 500 of which were my lot. It was tedious, but once I got in the groove it went ok. Until I finished: approximately 6 seconds after which time I was contacted by someone on my dev team to run a SQL script which generates all the customer letters.

Wait, what? I'm sorry, did you just hand me a script to do what I spent all day doing? But didn't you tell me it wasn't possible this morning? Oh, right you figured it out. THANKS FOR NOTHING.

p.s. I hate you sometimes.

And in the "also idiot" sweepstakes, I broke the dog cookie jar. I bagged up the pieces, salvaged the dog cookies and ran out to run a quick errand. This is what I came back to:

Dog bed full of broken ceramic pieces. She apparently is not ready to let go of the fire hydrant cookie jar. I simply must get a webcam, because I would love to know how this one went down. The bag was nowhere near her bed, so it's not as if she could have just dumped it. She must have dug out and carried each little piece of shrapnel to bed for a good cleaning. I'm on the edge of my seat today to see what she craps out, that's always a good little lottery of what the dog's been up to (or into) while I was away. When I questioned the suspect she tried to hold out.

I did not do it!

However, I am wilier than she is. I broke out the big guns, the magic words "Oh the shame!" , which are like truth serum to this bad dog.

Ok, I did it!
I am weak and ashamed.

I love the fact that she responds to the word "shame".

I also went to the store and discovered this in the heirloom tomato section:
You say heirloom, I say deformed

Don't sugarcoat it, be honest.

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

sentimental value is worth occasional groveling