Monday, November 5, 2007


As in Where The Fuck have I been? Short answer: working and attending funereal services. Long answer = too exhausting to describe. It wasn't a good couple of weeks and it's hopefully over for a bit.

as in What The Fuck??? How is the Hollywood writers' strike the number 2 story in the news???
With all the wars and other shit going on, this is seriously the SECOND MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER right now?
that's whack yo.


I should be making a triumphant return to less pointed blathering soon.


The Great Explorer said...

Funeral services suck. They always have. I'd love to crack a joke about the party always being dead or something of the likes, but I have to get back to reading about the writer strike. What war?

Good to see you're back. I was starting to have withdrawals and the fact that you weren't blogging wasn't helping one bit.

Ichiro A said...

Little Noby was crying last night.... "Where the hell is Aunt Kerry??? She never comes around!!"