Friday, November 16, 2007

yyy am i not zzz....

doh! I have managed to totally jack my sleep schedule this week. I have somehow gotten to in the habit of going to be bed very early at night this week(and by going to bed I mean passing out in various locations around the home including the dog bed, I swear I only meant to lie there for a minute). Falling asleep this early means I keep waking up in the middle of the night, like right now, and am not able to sleep anymore for a while. Tonight it doesn't much matter, since tomorrow is Friiiday, and I will finally be having a slower day of work and working from home and eventually going home (Boston), so I can afford to be up in the middle of the night, no big whoop.

But this shit has been going on all week! I think I need to get back on a gym schedule and get over the fact that it's getting dark early now, since I am pretty sure that's a major part of my issue. Does this really happen every year? Do I get this weird every year or am I going nuts in my old age? This same "BS up all night" thing happened to me really bad on Tuesday night, but I had the Longest Day Ever on weds, and having only 3 hours of sleep, plus having to drive to PA to do an install then back to MD to work more, then to the airport to pick up someone who had decided instead to take a cab (don't get me started) pretty much resulted in my having yet another meltdown Weds night. It's apparently kind of what I do these days.

Hello my name is Kerry, and I melt down.
poor HN!

You know you're up too late when the dog won't even get up with you. She's all "beat it bitch. quit asking me why you can't sleep, you know I can't talk! and put that blanket back over me right now or I'll get up, go outside and step in more poo" She didn't get the memo about undying loyalty and affection. She goes off duty at midnight or something.

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