Sunday, August 31, 2008

Master of "things you can do while seated" strikes again

Which is my clever way of saying I am lazy. friday was a stupid day. stupid stupid stupid. I hated it and I was glad it ended. Even gladder when I found out we had a long weekend. What a nice surprise that was, long live situational oblivion!

Friday night consisted of HN and I going out for a rather absurdly large rack of ribs at CVP, followed by me retreating to the safety and world blocking-ness of the basement. Yesterday I left the house rather briefly but was still feeling the hateful after effects of stupid friday and so I decided I was not dealing with anyone, and having the extra day in the weekend I could also refuse to take care of any chores or other responsibilities. So I spent the day at the sewing machine, simultaneously trying to work on a quilt for Nate's wife/new baby and reducing the mile high pile of fabric I have collected over the years. I had already done about a 12x45" section of the quilt and I hated it (sensing a theme here?) so yesterday I fucked around a bit and hit on something that was far more pleasing to me. I kicked the old piece to the curb and went hog wild with the other idea. Here is the work to date, which is essentially what will be the quilt's top.

Still not necessarily my bag, but she'll like it. The colors are also badly represented here.

I'm currently cooking some seriously curry lentils up, and while I wait for that I'm trying to decide if I should sew more random projects to plow through my fabric buildup (I am apparently having some issue with this these days. I am compelled to use it up), try to get together enough crap to get a quilt bottom together (I know I have it in my stash, but I'm so lazy I'm almost tempted to go buy something, but then the conscience keeps yapping about the spending embargo and "how are you going to use all your fabric up if you keep buying more"? so it's pretty much a toss up as to what I'll do).

Somehow I suspect lying on the couch moaning about being bored will win.

good lord listen to me. I should sprinkle some prozac in my lentils.


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