Thursday, December 11, 2008

Belated Giving of Thanks

Here's what I'm happy about today:

1) advil. Root canal went badly, Part Deux takes place next Monday.

2) the internet. Nevermind the fact that it enables me to make a living from the comfort of my own home, this week I love the web because I have just finished uploading HN's final xmas present, to be shipped and arrive here by next week ish. Not only am I done with him, I'm happy with what I did. PSYCHE! Take that Mr Handmade and Thoughtful, eat my dust!

3) chickens. Because they make chicken soup, which I am currently eating on this crap, crap, crappy day when the worlds of a head cold, a bad root canal and aunt flo collide.

4) people who put big cheerful bows on their car, ostensibly to celebrate this season of love and togetherness (GOBAMA!!) and then proceed to drive like total assholes, cutting everyone off and making copious use of the horn. That shit cracks me up every time.

5) My friends. For everything, but in particular this week for some much needed politically incorrect laughter and for the great ideas about what to make HN for The Best Christmas Ever! (and for making the parts to it!)

and with that I'm off to go be thankful for wine, a hot shower and some Top Chef.

-ks will not pack her knives and go.

Just say NOvocaine!


MartinW said...

Ouch! You look like you're just about to spit a big wad of tobacco into a pot that goes "TING!" :-)

Ichiro A said...

Great picture.. :) Kenny Vs Spenny is definitely not "P.C." :)