Wednesday, December 24, 2008

oh man

When I blow it I blow it big. Last weekend we went to the farm to do more work. Not only did I not bring my camera but there was DRAMA! and I missed capturing it! Maggie and Bo (dogs owned by the owners of the house) left for a while and came back with a rooster from parts unknown. They played "let me rip that out of your mouth and run" for a while, then we managed to get it away from them. Upon closer examination, the dude was still alive and more impressively, unscathed but he was partially frozen from apparently being out all night.

So all work stopped and there was a big rooster revival party that went like this:
Marla, cuddling the rooster cooing to him- if you know Marla this become hilarious.
Marla's kid, blowdrying the rooster, per HN's order
HN, massaging the rooster- lifting feather to get maximum airflow for drying, also cooing to rooster.
and of course, the obligatory me in the background making "Nice cock" jokes. Hey, all the other roles were taken!

I believe today HN and I are going up there, because all of my work remote machines are down and out so I can't get crap done. For reals this time, pictures.

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

I don't know why you joke about all roles being taken. You know your role, you play it perfectly and I am under the impression you take your role far more serious than anyone else I know. Blowing the cock with warm air in hopes to make it feel better after it was left alone in the cold all night? To exclude the likes of you from that group would be criminal.