Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photo essay

First, Orion as Ferdinand the Bull. I don't know which inspired who but here's the proof.

Exhibit A:

Can you even tell who is who ?

There's more but since this could go on all day, we'll move to profound looking kitty shots.

Doesn't he look smart and important? perhaps he is thinking interesting thoughts in FRONSH!

Webworms! Up close and personal because the tree it was in fell down go boom. If a tree falls in the forest and I'm not there to hear it, does it still fall??
Fat ass amphibians ALL UP IN HERE! We had some rain recently and it seems to have rehydrated some of the dessicated toads I've been finding all over the lawn. I saved one that didn't come back to life, pics to follow. I'm waiting for the stink to die down.

Orion learns from Kitty! and uses his mad knowledge to sneak into small spoon position with Star. Their dynamic now is pretty awesome. For one he's FINALLY figured out he's bigger so he's not so scared of things like shark face and bitchy off putting growls. He's all "you don't mean that. i love you...move over" and she's all "ugh. I'm not getting up. Le Sigh..."

It doesn't matter AT ALL that there are 1001 squirrels around here all day. They never stop being exciting or worth chasing.

BATTLE ROYALE! This shit was like something out of the discovery channel man! Honeybee flying around kitchen, annoying me and being loud. Suddenly the sound level turns up and I HAVE to investigate. Bee had flown into a spider web in the corner and was in process of being done did by the spider. I watched for a solid 20 minutes while bee struggled to get away, and spider struggled to wrap up his dinner while not getting stung. There were a couple of times I thought bee might make it, but eventually the buzz died down and spider began wrapping it up, stopping to punctuate bee's midsection with stings or whatever spiders do. I let it sit for a day or two, watched for progress and then asked HN to vacuum the mess up. I don't do dead if it's not interesting.

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