Thursday, May 17, 2007

here comes the sun, do doo doo doooo

ok, feeling *much* better today. Still phlegm-y (and the other) but neither as bad as yesterday. And yesterday actually managed to turn itself around a little, which was a much needed relief so that helps. and I also got a ridiculous amount of sleep, which *really* helped.

At about 2pm yesterday, I managed to tweak one of the cameras I was working with just so and it started producing *fantastic* pictures. Pictures that no doctor (let alone one certain doctor who shall remain nameless but puts the SUCK in soulsucker) can argue with. So that was nice. and I know they were good, because someone else who sucks and shall remain nameless tried his best to find some flaws with them and he couldn't so he got all mad and left. Which is both personally satisfying and happy making because I know it means good pictures.

Then there was the perfectly timed break in the rain that allowed me to make it to my car without doing the pornstar corporate barbie wet shirt look thing (which I had thought I might have to do because I wore a white shirt and for once in a year I parked at the far away garage that cannot be accessed completly via indoor routes and when I was getting ready to leave there was a sudden thunderstorm and accompanying deluge and I was not about to wait it out so I thought I was going to have to run to my car and all I could think is "I know I'm going to be all wet and see through and run into one of the people I work with at NSI all the time") but then it stopped long enough for me to get to my car ok. Phew.

THEN when I got home, still riding the triumph of good pictures and dry and non-translucent clothing, I immediately dove into the nearest pair of sweat pants and settled down on the couch with a warm dog, a cold drink, some mac and cheese and a good book. aaaah. I'll say it again.. AAAAAHHHH. this lasted about 15 minutes and I completely crashed out. For 3 hours of high quality much needed nap time. I'm talking sleeping through the phone ringing twice, drooling, pillow face wrinkle making nap time. Primo nappo. I woke up a little bit confused because it was dark out and had that whole "woah did I sleep until tomorrow" bit and when realized I didn't and figured out what was going on and that it was only 9pm I was happy, because I knew I was about to go back to bed and get my unconscious on for about 9 more hours. Then the boy came over which was nice and we just lounged around talking about our impending trip and weekend, both of which should be very fun. and then I took a horse dose of cough medicine, curled up with said hot boy and had a cracking good nights sleep. and stalled all morning before coming into NSI, so I'm nice and refreshed and don't even hate anyone too much right now. AND I should be going to FedEx today to get my package, which has my newest eBay purchases so there will be a fashion show when I get home.

Guatemala..doo doo dooo...there's a happy song in my head that I'm quite unable to communicate via blogginess but trust me. It's a lovely little melody, and we leave in not quite one month for vacay-shun. I've overcome my "Guatemala is crime ridden" angst, mostly because we already bought our tickets and I love denial, but also because I've talked to some people that say it's all relative and if I want to be safe forever, I will probably have to stay home in a bomb shelter (which knowing my luck I will lock myself out of right before the end of days) so I'm over it. Plus, I'm really excited because we have no reservations, or actual plans to speak of. We are totally flying by the seat of our pants, and I am pumped.

and how could I not be happy?? It's THURSDAY. my favorite day, and you know this MAN!!!

I'll try to post some pictures later of something, I know it's been all words since my cake masterpiece, but I got nothing right now. Actually hang on, I'll just go steal one from Ichiro and Becky's Japan blog.

I love these little dudes.
These are some merry MotherF*ckers!

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