Monday, May 21, 2007

Hot girl on girl action

Bet that got your attention didn't it, piggies? Well, the action I'm referring to is none other than women's flat track roller derby, which may or may not be available in a town near you, but is alive and well in Baltimore:
Boo yea!

I took in the bout last night. It was fun, and very exciting! More so once I figured out the rules, but I will definitely be going again. It sort of reminded me of rugby, couldn't say why, perhaps just the possibility of injury or something but it was a really good time. I had at one point briefly contemplated trying out for one of the teams but decided against it because I am clumsy and injury prone and so it just seemed like I might be asking for trouble and when one of the girls was wheeled off the floor last night in a neck collar and back board, I was reminded that this was probably the best choice for me. I can't believe I didn't bring my camera, I'm bummed I have no live pics for you because it really was very exciting. These ladies are very impressive (and a little scary but I felt safe enough)

Other than that, highlights of my weekend included:
-a venture into Ellicott city yesterday. I got to tool around the cute little downtown area. It's weird because it seems like a cute town with all the shops but upon closer examination, none of the shops would ever have anything I want to buy so it was kind of a bummer. Good way to waste a Sunday though, and nice not to spend money so I guess it works out ?

-making (and winning!) Preakness side bets with people. All involved threw 5 bucks in and picked a horse. I picked number 4 before I had any info, because what the hell do I know about horses anyway but apparently I know something becuase 4 set a Preakness record. I RULE! and even better, this was all done at some bar down the street that I had never been in but that had couches and shit. It was a giant living room. I know where I "work" from home from now. total find, and I am thrilled!

-Friday night I closed out Seidels and the last night of the roots cafe. I'm bummed that this is ending as it's one of the funner random things we found to do and I was definitely planning on bringing anyone who ever visited me to this because I feel it's a must see. Anyhow it was fun, and the band was groovin and a good time was had by all. (part of why I'm sad about this ending is that not only is it an excellent time but that it's a total find for bands. I have never been disappointed and have actually stalked a couple of the bands to other places to see them play, because I stalk therefore I am right?)
Goodbye old friend. ok fine, relatively new friend. But we could have gotten old together...

I think that's about it as far as exciting parts go. I'll have to be better about bringing my camera with me, because I definitely have seen some picture worthy stuff lately. for now though, I'm sitting here clutching the last cup of coffee I might make for a while, as I have no power in my house. BGE claims to be working on it, but other people claim to have power so I feel a little persecuted and am not sure why they would single me out like this. I pay my bills (maybe not "on time" but well before the yellow envelope comes) Anyhow, I happened to have ground up extra beans yesterday, for which I am grateful because otherwise I would be sitting here crying and wishing I had coffee. The sucky thing though is no hot water, and even if so no blow dryer. .

and the week begins.


coulyn said...

WTF! I'm so pissed now that we didn't go to Seidels when I was down.

The Great Explorer said...

Please tell me the girls really wear garter belts while skating about hurting one another "by mistake"...

kerry said...

they totally wear garter belts. check the pics

Unknown said...

Ok, for the record, there should be some law that if you use that heading for a blog entry, you had better godd*mn mean it.