Monday, March 1, 2010

a whole new case of the blues

Somewhere in the midst of all my UPS troubles, I also got a new computer. It's kind of a beefcake spec wise, so I was pretty excited. It was delivered to the NC office and twice when I was supposed to go get it I got delayed because of snowstorms so I just got it Friday the 19th and finally opened it Monday when I got home.

It sucks. I didn't want to complain before because I was busy complaining about UPS and my period, so I left Citrix (don't get me started) and Dell(kill me, please) out of it.

The suckage comes from max resolution = not enough because the specs didn't list max resolutions so the guy ordering didn't think to ask and when I finally got it and opened it and called Dell I was told they only help you within 30 days and I had called at 32 days so I am up a certain creek without proper equipment, unless I want to pay 400 beans for a new monitor, which I kind of do but my boss won't let me. Anyway, I put it back in the box and went back to my old crap laptop with the useful display until today when I decided I really should be getting over it. Not 15 minutes into working on it I get this.

Blue skies, nothing but blue skies...

Excellent chance I am putting it back into the box again. Anyone want to buy a slightly temperamental laptop with cartoonishly large font? :o)

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