Sunday, February 28, 2010

ok, no more of that menstruation business. for now.

but I do want to talk about my zits. I think a couple of them were not actually zits, but I think I might have been brutally attacked by a spider in my sleep.

At some point after my last rant, I realized I might actually be the toxic employee and that I also probably needed a drink or 7, so I went up and had a little nap, employed a little mint face steam action and then refilled and used my special fancy homemade face/body scrub (olive oil and sugar), both of which make my skin really happy and things felt like they were looking up right away and I knew I would be better on Sat and fine by Sunday if I would just calm down.

Then HN and I met up with some friends for "dinner" which I really thought was just going to be a very grown up dinner with some older calm couples, but when the waitress came people started ordering tequila which is pretty much always an awesome way to start the night, and it did not disappoint. We did end up eating dinner, and HN had THREE beers which is the most I've ever seen him drink, though I'm not sure if it counts because at some point he began gesturing wildly and smacked the last 1/4 of his beer across the room, so maybe he only had 2 & 3/4 beers, which is close to but not quite the most I've seen him drink. BUT THEN when HN was all rambling on about something because he was a little tipsy (which I find intensely attractive in a man) and I thought we were saying goodbye, it became apparent that no, dinner was a pregame activity and now we were adjourning to another bar up the road to see some dude who used to live here but then he moved and now he was back for the weekend and we were celebrating because he sold a bunch of shit at some craft fair and knocked up his wife so drinks for everyone, and within walking distance of our house no less. So we continued on up the street, HN talking like the dude in a bud light commercial about how he loves everyone, and assorted other stuff he "knows" after like 2.5 beers and then we had another couple of drinks, which brought us both to "pretty drunk" and at some point the dude with the fertile woman left and HN and I stumbled home together while discussing profound topics I can not recall and sacked out in the rather choice combination of clothing that always (for me) accompanies overdoing the drinking. Always awesome the next day to retrace my steps around the house by what I've discarded where, and to marvel at what I chose to keep on.

Anyhow I digress, back to my zits. So my magic steam/olive oil elixir did in fact do the trick and cheer things up round the old melon, except for 3 spots which revealed themselves to be perfectly lined up and also a little, umm, greenish and puss-ish which has happened to me twice before, both times when I got bit by some whack spider. They're not like huge boils or anything, and the tissue isn't necrotic, but they're def not just zits. The trail leads across my cheek, so I comfort myself in the knowledge that I probably ate the dude, therefore making me the winner in the war which is what counts. The ones that really were zits are pretty much gone, I think equal parts because of my olive oil magic and the amount of water I slammed yesterday to make up for the night.

Yesterday we were both feeling a little rough but I had woken up at 5am Sat, taken off my other sock and then slammed some vitamins B and C and 2 huge glasses of water so I daresay I felt a little less rough, although in the end we didn't leave nearly at the time we thought we would have been leaving for our NYC jaunt (more on that later) because we spent the morning scrambling to get in touch with his family in Chile and people were unaccounted for so we went over to his sister's and checked in and stuff and then left mid afternoon for NYC where by the time we arrived the last of the family members in Chile were located and found to be safe and sound, so that was good even though we were still a weensy bit hungover.

Tomorrow I'll tell you about NYC and my new idea for a cooking channel but for now I have to go to bed because Friday was a rough night and last night we stayed in a heat controlled hotel room which was like a sauna and NYC is loud so I'm about half dead and PSYCHED to be back in my own bed, especially since I ate that little asshole spider and don't have to worry about him getting me in my sleep tonight.

1 comment:

JG said...


Love the diagram! Funniest sh*t I've seen in a while