Tuesday, August 18, 2009

butterflies are like birds, but awesome

Where have I been? I have been having surgery and playing outside. And in NC, but that was not so exciting. Anyhoo, surgery is done. I'm slightly post-op stoned blogging, so blah blah blah.

It was weird being knocked out both that fast and for that duration. I'm normally a light sleeper so it feels weird to know I was wheeled around and poked at without knowing. Waking up in a strange place with your underwear missing is always weird, but gets less funny as I get older. Ha.

And the waking up in a different place thing trips me out too. Like when I was little and I'd fall asleep on the couch and wake up in my own bed. Oh man, can I believe I ever slept that deep? Magic. Back to today me. So I literally passed out mid sentence which was funny to think of, but waking up was whack too. I woke up with a thing up my nose which I pulled out and some lady looking at me. Lady:"How do you feel?" Me:"Pretty fucked up" Lady:"Yep, that's about right" Lady exit stage left, cut to me all "WTF?" and "Hmmm", but not unpleasantly so. I could see a clock from where I was, and I was covered in warm blankets so I just took a while enjoying the feeling of blinking and boof 10 minutes is gone. (Thank God there are no opium dens in my neighborhood, honestly.) Rode that for a while, made water, got cut loose.

Now lying around researching my 2 new current obsessions areas to be of expertise:

Insect photography

Playing outside consists this week of STALKING butterflies, which you know if we are flickr buds.HN planted some pretty sweet shizz by way of zinneas, cosmos and sunflowers and there are bugs a plenty in my garden! Butterfly chasing with coffee every morning and with dog at lunch. I just can't get enough, nor can I delete enough so I'll post a pared down slideshow for those of you who dont think 500 pictures is awesome. I currently do, though I'm sure the shiny will wear off soon enough and I'll delete some. Otherwise though, I've also been cyber stalking butterfly pictures to pick up tips and tricks (none of which I have used yet) so if you think 500 pics is awesome, have I got awesome in store for you once I think I know what I'm doing!

So here's a link to this dude Ichiro something's page on Flickr. I flickr searched butterfly because I am now obsessed remember? and found this. I saw Ichiro and just clicked :)

My other awesome new thing I love to do is canning food. It started with the jelly a few weeks ago, then it was a batch of pickles, birthday pickles to be exact to be opened this week, then it was some cherry tomatoes because the freezer is at capacity. I've been reading up too. Here is what the old ladies think of what's what. It's the best way to make up for not actually having a farmy grandmother, and comes fisherman recommended which is good enough for me. Acquired at the Book Thing (SCORE!) and read a bunch.
This one is a just because-r. Kept stumbling into it, reading it about it in canning discussions, yadda yadda yadda. Becky! Dilly Beans!

My LL is growing out large quantities of tomatoes and tomatillos. I have the cayenne. Sounds like a party to me, add to the mix one bundle of habaneros donated to me by mean/funny old lady down the road. Expect more pis of canned goods once I get around to that. Dont hold your breath though.

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

I am totally going through your flickr pics. I totally forgot about flickr!!!