Tuesday, March 18, 2008

And we're off!

So. Last Weds was day 1 of "pre go live" go live. Mostly a success, some tense moments but we were able to recover from everything and the clinic was mercifully slow so we had the leeway to adjust to the issues- it's amazing how "real life" is always different than you think it will be. One of our problems Thursday was because of the order in which the Photographers push the button. When I talked to them, they didn't mention it, when I watched them I missed it, and when we did dry runs they didn't do it. But in real life they did, and it hung the application! It was a most obscure error, and only some of them take the steps in the problem order so it took me a while to figure it out. It was nice to finally isolate it though, a bit of an Ah-HA! moment. By Friday things were under control and I was even able to leave people alone with some degree of confidence which was a nice feeling, and a definite contrast to how it went last time. However, as any milestone does, this one has got me examining my life and I thought I would share some things.

-I use a lot of spoons. I know we've discussed this before, but I haven't had time or inclination to do dishes in a few days and I was reminded again this morning when I had to dig for a spoon in my spare silver ware section. Yes, I have one. You never know when you might need more spoons, so I keep a pile of extra silver ware in the back of the drawer. You know you do it too.

Guilty pleasure: I love hospital cafeteria food. LOVE IT! So many people are so horrified by this fact, but I can't help it. On Tuesday, which is beef mac day, I am the first in line. And I frequently breakfast in the Drs lounge too. They make some mean eggs, and the bacon is crispy just the way I like it. "morning potatoes with red spices"? Yes please! This tidbit makes confession #3 funnier to me.

-I judge people based on what is in their grocery cart. I am a holier than thou grocer! I can't help it. Ok I guess I could if I tried, but I haven't decided to try yet. I just realized I was doing it the other day, give me time to cope. But I realized I am not as nice and don't smile at people when I see shit like HoHos and TastyKakes in their cart. Nevermind if they're fat and limping, or riding one of those little "I'm too fat to walk" scooters while stocking up on Tyson frozen fried chicken and ice cream. Sometimes it's all I can do not to do them the favor of taking shit out of their carts.

That's pretty much it for now. My brain is kind of on overload this week, but I hope to be returning to a humanoid work schedule sometime soon. 70+ hours is not sustainable.

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