Friday, March 21, 2008

I might be a bad person, but I am comfortable with that

So holy shit thank god it's friday. Thank god the software worked, the doctors came around, the photographers rallied to help me. And thank god for me if I do say so myself. And I do. Anyhoo, "live" live week came and went and I survived. Most stuff worked, I was able to cover everything that didn't until my dev team could fix it and everyone is as happy as they're going to get about the fact that they have to change digital systems.

Now, onto the bad person in me: I would like to start by saying that I took the shuttle home from NSI today because HN has my car for things he needed to do that one can't apparently do with no vehicle of one's own and a busted hand. So I got a ride in, and took the shuttle home. Only I forgot my jacket, because I rarely wear one to drive and I am used to driving myself and walking no further than the distance from the hospital door to the car, which is hardly worth the bother of a jacket, and I can't drive with one on so the whole thing just gets stupid. Anyhoo, it's 45 degrees and windy, fast forward to me getting off the bus and realizing not only do I have no jacket, but I have no keys. House keys are attached to car key, are likely attached to HN right now. HN who is not answering his phone. Quite the dilemma, no? Luckily for me, the shuttle stops in college town, and there are bars by the fistful right off the steps of the bus.

having had the week I had, I decide it's Miller Time, well not really but Stella Time doesn't have quite the ring. Anyhoo, I land at one of my favorite haunts, sidle up to the bar and make myself at home with a plate of fries as big as my head and a chilly pint. The man next to me strikes up a debate about whether Felix is or is not an exclusively male name (I say not!) and beer 1 flies by.
He leaves, one thing leads to another, HN is still not answering and beer 2 ensues. Then the 2 DUMBEST PEOPLE EVER sit down next to me. It's like a car wreck, I can't decide if it's horrifying or awesome. Snippets of conversation include "did we order yet?" "I don't know. What do you think?" I should have but didn't point out that since they still had menus in front of them, more likely than not they hadn't ordered but was saved by the timely arrival of the waiter. They asked him if they had ordered, and I would like to take a moment to give props to waiter dude for maintaining because he was clearly thrown but managed to offer a perfectly sensible sounding "nope." So they ordered (crab cake for her, nachos with guac for him) and waiter dude took their menus away, as waiters often do when you have finished using them. They then proceed to kick off a debate about whether they had in fact ordered before and he was making fun of them, and whether also they were making fun of each other by not knowing. I would say they belong together, but I'm so afraid they'll breed.

They have now moved on to some topic or other that I missed by blogging about their idiocy, which probably serves me right but whatever it is it is THE SADDEST THING HE HAS EVER HEARD. One can only imagine. At least he didn't say it was THE SMARTEST THING HE HAD EVER HEARD, because I surely would have choked and spat beer all over my new boots.

Oh, my new boots. Mmmm, my new boots. I got new boots. They are these boots:
and we are in boot love. So comfy, and perfectly respectable looking peeking out from under my pants. Only me and the boots know about the fun underneath, and we're not telling.

HN to the rescue, I am being removed from the bar. cheers

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

Those boots are something. Everyone here agrees. When you have total agreement at The Pearl, you know you're doing it right.