Monday, March 3, 2008

thwarted and incomplete is no way to go through life

boo!!! ok, now that that's out of my system, I would like to tell you I had major plans for this weekend. I finally made the decision that the piano has to go, I can no longer deal with the fact that it owns 50% of my living room and makes me unable to change anything around, which is something I love to do. So I called a man and he said he would come pick it up Sunday morning. He showed up and decided he didn't want it. "But you said!" was my initial response, and he was very sorry. I felt as though I could have pushed the point, but I knew it would have been playing on his guilt and he was a very nice guy, so I let it drop. He is however going to come tune it for free so I can get rid of it on Craigslist. I guess it's the next best thing.

However, his not removing the giant piece from my living room totally thwarted my plans of going out and buying new comfortable, functional furniture with which to fill the living room void (not to mention the painting. Oh the painting! Yes, I'm painting. I'll tell you about it later), and that was a bit disappointing. Unable to bear the thought of not having SOME change to show for myself and my day, I went on a madcap crusade around the house to move and change every other thing that I could do. HN was most accommodating to my whim and helped me move giant orange armchair upstairs, which was undoubtedly the most drastic move I made all day. It really does take a very patient man to be dragged out of bed at 7:30am on a Sunday, rolled over to my house under the pretense of moving a piano, and then stick around to help move consolation furniture. Anyhow, the end result is that the bedroom is just about finit at this point, all I have left to do is to finish sewing the backing on the Quilt of Doom, which I think I am going to break down and do sometime soon. I originally stalled out because I was using very expensive fabric I bought on sale to do the back and I didn't buy enough and have thus far refused to buy more at full price, but I think I'm going to just suck it up and do it this week. I need to cross some sh*t of my "done" list. I am haunted by half finish projects!

So orange chair moved, and large void now looming in the dining room, I have made the very adult decision to get a dining table of some sort. I was initially against this, for no particular reason, but have decided it would be nice to have a place to read the paper, have coffee, work and all the other crap that I now do on the couch because of the absence of the chair that is now up in my room. I have some pieces of wood that would make great table legs and am contemplating a custom table job, but the first and most important part of any dining situation I believe is the chairs so I can't make any moves until I find those. I've spent enough time scouring and believe Ikea has the ones I want, so I should have news there within the week. There's just the small matter of getting them into the Saturn you see. But I have an idea, don't you worry.

Again, no result for my efforts, I was forced to find something else to give me the closure I so desperately needed yesterday so off to Home Depot I went. I've been doing a little of this and that in the basement this week, and the end was in sight, all I needed was a bookshelf. I went tearing through the lumber dept without any real plan, throwing some of this and that into the cart, and figuring I would wing it as far as construction goes (because that's how I do. "visions" are not my strong suit) and home I went. A little jigsaw, a little drill, a lot of elbow grease, and some very adult "measuring" and "marking" for holes and I was on my way, happily assembling what was to be THE thing I got done on Sunday so I didn't feel like a total ass. 2 screws left to screw, and I can all but taste victory when POP! BLAM! DARKNESS!

And Australia was like "WTF?"

So I did a little investigating and it turns out the Pop! Blam! parts were my drill blowing up. yep, It finally happened, my old 9V "Happy sweet 16, I got you the 9V so you can't hurt yourself" drill bit. the. dust. Goodbye old friend, you served me well. and also YAY! Now I can justify buying a new cordless drill! Again: YAY! But more on that later. The immediate issue was that I was 2 screws away from being finished with something on the Day That Completion Was Thwarted and I started to lose it. I called HN on his outing with his mother to see what contribution he could make to this, namely in the shape of his drill and was crushed to learn his drill is not in Hampden. Now I can hear someone (Cough Ichiro) saying "just go get a new one" but it's like this: I was 2 screws away from being done with something, anything, finally and I couldn't have dealt with the intervening hour. It would have made me crazy the whole time. So instead I grabbed a screwdriver, summoned up all my frustration at the day and put 120lbs behind that f*cker. and I got it done, and I was peaceful (except for the bloody knuckle I acquired somewhere in the process that got on my new shirt that I shouldn't be wearing while doing construction. Le Sigh)

Then I cleaned up my knuckle and my mess, picked up piles of books from all over the house and made them comfortable in the new resident shelf and sat around with a stupid grin admiring my handiwork. And then it was off to the Depot, because I had a legitimate need for some tools and HN had some errands to run. Oh yes. Pictures to come later, because words cannot describe the beauty I now own.

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

OMG! The piano has had it's last day in the light of KS? F dude, talk about booms, darkness & wtf. I hope you can sleep at night once the motherless piano is no longer creating havoc in your living room.

JK. I am all for change and throwing things out. Purge baby! Purge!