It's spinach dude. As in, I am putting so much spinach in everything that I am about to scream maniacally like they do on PeeWee's playhouse when someone says the secret word. But overall it's a bit more nutritious.
When I came home last weekend after forever away, there was nothing to eat in the house that wasn't in a can or made of cheese. Bachelor Bob HN had been living almost exclusively off of corn, tomatoes and cheese. For reals, our cheese drawer is crazy right now. I think he bought a new one for every day I was gone.
Anyway, first order of business Sunday morning I went to Whole Foods and had a breakdown in the produce aisle and bought like a metric ton of spinach. Don't ask why. I don't know why, I barely remember doing it. And now, because I'm back on my "food waste = death" movement, I am determined to eat it all. The thing is, I really don't like spinach cooked all that much. Again, I don't even know why I needed a ton of it. I love it raw, in salad or whatever but there's really only so much of that one can do right? Normally I would agree, but I'm just going to have to see what I'm really capable of... This is going to make me a better person right?
Yesterday I made a reasonably bomb ass tuna salad (added onions from our garden, local beets grated up, chopped up one of my way too salty to live birthday pickles from last year, and a grated carrot. A little mayo, some balsamic and Bobsyeruncle) and ate it on top of a mile high pile of spinach. It barely dented what I bought. The day before, I had shoved as much spinach as I could into a veggie sandwich with swiss. Delightful, but it wasn't enough. You wouldn't even have noticed I was in there.
Today, the spinach is looking like it will soon be sad, so I estimate I have until tomorrow to eat it all. It's a tall order, and it means spinach is now on 3 meals a day detail but I'm feeling strong. (Probably because I've eaten so much fucking spinach that I'm all Popeye-ing)
This morning I wilted a pile and hid it on top of a seriously buttered slice of toast, sprinkled some cayenne in there and then topped with a scrambled egg and more swiss cheese. If I can keep this up I think I can make it.
Last night I ate a pile of spinach in between rounds of canning, freezing and food processing. I really needed that though, because it was hot like AFRICA and I spent 4 hours standing over vats of boiling water.
I did the tomatoes, ALL the tomatoes in sight; We have tomatoes coming out our ass- I've canned them, dried them, frozen them, eaten them raw by the bucket loads just to get rid of them and given so many away that people now avert their eyes when I say Hi just in case it's a prelude to foisting more off on them. There's a new shit ton of those fuckers in the yard waiting to be picked.
I pickled 4 pints of Jalapenos. Taco night is about to get real everyone! Well, in 6 weeks.
I blended and froze half a watermelon for smoothies. Mental note: 2 people do not need a 20 lb watermelon, no matter how thirsty you are when you see it.
I made (more) blackberry jam, froze some blackberries and made sauce when I ran out of pectin.
I picked cleaned and dehydrated another bushel of cayennes. Ground cayenne for all my friends!
Waste = death! Spinach = life. or at least my life. until the zucchini come in, and then I fear things will change.
Spinach is a superfood. That would make for a double super when paired with you. It's obvious you and spinach were made for each other. You can do this man.
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