Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stakeout, pt 2. The lameness

So dude never came back around for his bits yesterday. However, last night while all the neighbors were gathered around out front watching the 4 car 8 patrolman's worth of police mayhem (crazy neighbor off her meds, whoooooooole other story) we talked to a few of our neighbors who gave us a name (George) and assured us he would be back. They figured he got what he needed to get his fix for the day and he'll be back looking for more stuff to sell when he's out.

I've left him a nice little note, using his name, which if he's any sort of a crackhead should have him shitting his dirty little pants and hopefully bringing back HN's pump (if it hasn't been sold)

The things on this porch are ours.
Taking them is stealing.
Bring back the bike pump or we will report you. Everyone around here knows you and knows where you live.

When we don't want something we will put it on the curb.

Stay off the porch.

I'm working in the living room today anyway "just in case"

Camera at the ready, big stick near the door. I feel like I'm about to be a character in Thursday, the less glamorous and more boring prequel to Friday.


The Great Explorer said...

I don't know many crackheads that can read. You might just get to use your beat down stick after all. I'm rooting for you.

JG said...

I almost spit my drink everywhere while reading this. Classic.