Thursday, December 6, 2007

good morning!

It's Thursday, my favorite day!!!!
It's beautiful out, (which won't last long once people start driving around in the snow) and I am -temporarily at least- in an excellent mood.

Yesterday was a fairly productive day in terms of work and crafty goodness. Star and I took some practice shots for our Christmas card, I will post some of the outtakes later. Prepare to be wowed, all I'm saying (not by the outtakes, by the real thing)

All the time I have been spending at NSI lately really makes me appreciate the days when I can stay at home and work. I got a shitload of stuff done, worked on my quilt for a little over an hour, got some knitting done (I might actually finish my current project in time to wear it for the winter!) and finished putting up my xmas decorations. Expect pics of all this goodness soon, I am just too lazy right now.

In the meantime, entertain yourself with this little number:
The Holiday Party Excuse Generator. Keep your eye on the snowman when you choose an answer.

1 comment:

The Great Explorer said...

I want to join you in this whole make my own christmas cards jag but the ones I found are just to good. Maybe once the table/desk/whatever is here I will feel differently and at the very least put that picture in them. No matter the outcome, I cannot wait to see yours...