Monday, December 31, 2007

2 double oh seven can kiss my grits!

Happy last day of 2007 everyone! T minus 17 hours and counting. I don't know about you, but tonight I'm going to party like it's 1999 (minus the clubs, drugs, and glitter)

I'm back in Baltimore, and oddly relieved to be here. Kitty is bugging the dog, the dog is bugging me, and I'm "working" (no seriously I actually am!) with my feet firmly ensconced in higher than knee high wool socks and kicked up on the couch while listening to pirated podcasts (thanks ich!) and it's pretty nice to be home.

Last time I talked I was kind of blah. Nothing a couple of seriously long walks and QT with buds can't fix. Friday I lunched with grandmother, dinnered with Holly and her "I ate a baby" pod, then Star and I just kicked it on the quite possibly most comfortable free couch I've ever met with a good mystery book. Somewhere in there somewhere my attitude began to lighten. aaah.

Sat involved sleeping in until 9, then heading out for some free breakfast and time with Dad who was a man on a mission with the xmas present, and I ended up with a pretty sweet porcelainized cast iron pot. I was dragged from store to store looking for the right kind of pan, but I cannot complain. It is in fact just the right pan, and thus was worth the trip. It was also funny to watch my dad be like that, because it explains so much about my own self, which is always funny for me. Anyway the pan is blue and I kind of love it. I'll cook something delicious today and take a photo of it in use, you need to see this. Plus I feel like I'm on the verge of something great with soup ideas.

The rest of Sat was spent walking, eating *delicious* steak (MOO!!) and hanging out with JG, followed by another long walk. A phone call from HN from parts abroad, and Bob's your uncle. After all of that I was pretty much right again, and I woke up Sunday morning with a whole new outlook on life, ready to hit the road and get my sh*t cracking.

The drive back was *much* less stressful than the ride up was, and as a result I got home at a decent hour, with just enough time to do the urgent chores (catbox, fish funeral, trash), put in a nice pan full of roasted veggies for dinner (lessons learned: turnips OK, mushrooms not a good addition), take a long hot shower, unpack and hit the hay with a book stolen from Dad.

All in all a good night. I have a few things to wrap up to cap off '07 but I'm feeling good that I can get rid of most of the list today. I aim to have a productive workday, a good run, a delicious disco nap, then an utterly carefree evening followed by a restful and quiet tomorrow. There will be pictures.

Productivity and peace to all. Ok, to most. :o)

1 comment:

Matt said...


I am contacting you because I am working with the authors of a book about blogs, and I'd like to request permission to use the photograph you have posted in this book. Please contact me at, and I'd be happy to give you more information about the project. Please paste a link to your blog in the subject field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

