Monday, February 22, 2010


I just got off the phone with Kelly. She is HN's sister, she is a Naturopathic dr, and she has been in Haiti for 2 weeks as part of a group from Portland that includes firefighters/paramedics and some bunch of other people (blah blah blah, just because they're important details doesn't mean they hold any more relevance for me than other kinds of details!)

Here is a link to her blog and to one of her friends' blog, her friend is also an ND who is there with the same group. They talk alot about what it is really like there, detail the work they are doing (grueling stuff), and give info on the relief organizations they work with. If you're looking for a place to throw cash at, this one seems to actually be getting things done.

Suddenly the UPS thing seems less annoying.

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