Wednesday, February 14, 2007

no VD is a good VD

i'd say happy v*lentine's day, but fuck that shit. it's not even a real day, and everything costs 10x as much as it did yesterday and will tomorrow. pisses me off.

and i'm not just saying this because i'm single and got dumped last month*. i have a long history of boycotting VD, which has caused major fights with boyfriends past, who i would tell not to do anything special and they inevitably would, thinking i'm doing that girl thing of saying things i don't mean (thanks lying coy bitches everywhere for that) and then i would be left holding the bag, because i had been serious about boycotting and not gotten them anything stuffed, stupid, useless, or chocolate.

3 times for "VD" i have given the aforementioned suitors candybars and a magazine, because that's really the only thing CVS has left on nights like this.


*oh no. because i got dumped last month, i decided to use today as a "cleansing" day, so i went through and cleansed my servers of all the online pottery photo albums, websites, and blogs i had set up for adam. it was really *really* gratifying, which make may make me petty, but definitely makes me happy.

i should be much more pleasant after tomorrow night, and i for one can't wait.


The Great Explorer said...

Will you be my Valentine???

Ichiro A said...

OK, so yes I have your blog's RSS feed on my google homepage and saw "no VD is a good VD".... well DUHH! Who wants VD??? OHHH Valentines Day!!! LMAO... I thought the OTHER VD. HA HA HA