Thursday, April 19, 2007

i'm sorry, could you speak into my good ear?

so apparently the old lady who coughed on me monday had typhus or something because though i've been feeling somewhat "'subpar" all week, this morning takes the cake. and by this morning i mean 9am when i woke up as opposed to my usual 5 or 6 am hour. i slept for almost 11 hours last night. i do love me some powernapping, mm hmm. i don't care what the government says about me being a crackhead or whatever their issue is with cough medicine this week, i will stand in line at the pharmacy counter for the good stuff every night of the week (that is until the G men come to my house for suspicion of meth making ?) , it is magic and i love it. F the new NyQuil, it SUCKS. long live pseudephedrine! viva la revolution! and shit.

i cant hear out of my left ear, my sinuses are 'not good' and when i blow my nose these weird creaky noises resonate through my head. but i hate the dr, so im not going. i believe i can handle this with way too much vitamin c, some vitamin D (thats for denial, not doctor) and the good medicine.

the upside of this illness bit?
1)sudafed makes me feel funny, and though this harms my work ethic it's still kind of fun. i feel very tall, go figure. and the work ethic thing might not be so bad. i'm writing up a paper on some work i did, and the funny feeling in my head sort of unblocks my verbal creativity and allows me to be a capital BS artist, which is apparently what they are going for. so cool i guess, eh?
2)i have sexy phoebe voice. i'm considering going to karaoke tonight to sing some joan jett or janis joplin. because i am all "throaty" and deep and stuff.

and i may need a character reference soon, so be ready. i was trying to find out whats going on with the yarn store on my street and tripped over the blog of the girl who teaches the sock knitting class there. i want to knit socks so bad, i can just see myself in knee high custom made fuzzy, loving, warm, possibly striped socks all year round if only i could figure out how to make them. so anyway, i can never quite work my schedule to make the classes so i emailed her to ask her if she would teach me privately how to knit socks. the kicker? she's in high school, so i kind of feel like a dateline internet predator asking her to meet up. i keep expecting the cops to kick down my door followed by a tv crew asking me how could i do such a thing? i offered to meet her in public, but in a way that makes me feel weirder. clearly i have issues. somehow trying not to feel like a stalker makes me feel more like a stalker? i have no explanation for my shame.


Ichiro A said...

LOL! I'll be watching Dateline just in case your on it!

The Great Explorer said...

Is she at least cute?

elinor said...

Mmmm pseudephedrine. LOOK now I'm stalking you! =D