Wednesday, April 11, 2007

woe is me. again.

All my bitching today is in monotone. I've gone right past caring to totally numb. I'm just intellectually noticing bothersome things at this point, how pathetic. Just ugh.

PMS is such a cruel joke. I know I'm ridiculously bitchy, I know I don't need a half pound of salt on a full pound of french fries, and I know that one does not need 2 candy bars, -just because one has nuts and one doesn't and sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't and sometimes you feel like a little bit of everything so you eat one of each- but I am helpless to fight it. It's such a strange sensation to know in one far off corner of your mind that you're acting like a total nutter and yet be powerless not to be compelled by the weird ideas and food cravings that flood my brain. I feel like something out of a sci fi movie, where like my brain has a spaceship of little men steering me while looking through my eyes ( although in rereading this I do sound a bit mentally ill so maybe that's it. shh, our secret, k?)

Today's rants are as follows:

1)I'm still a little angry with the doctor community. Seriously, while we're on the subject of the computer thing, if you're not in there working then what the hell are you doing when you're all shut up in the office? Eating PB&J sandies? And furthermore, what's with the waiting? Anyone gotten into a Dr appt on time lately? If you're so smart, figure out you're contstantly behind schedule and adjust.

2)the fact that I have to work for a living. I mean seriously, I get that there are people out there who like it, but it's just not for me. Please jebus, *where* is my winning lottery ticket?? I see all these people in the news who win $100 million and hate it. I would not be one of those people, nor would I wantonly squander the money. I would buy whatever stuff I wanted and pay my friends not to work, but absolutely no hookers or blow. This is what I want to do with the rest of my life, please!

4)meetings. noon meetings, 5pm meetings, meetings people cancel, hell meetings people show up to. They just all suck, and not in the good way. I have to pick up the VIP squad at the airport today, so I can shuttle them back and forth to a meeting I don't even want to go to, which starts at 5pm. Honestly! Just really, who does that? Who *starts* meetings at the end of a normal workday. Why?

5)pizza places not opening until noon. What the hell? I've been up since 5, this is my lunchtime. Pleasepleaseplease I want a pizza.

However, the day has not been all bad. The other side of this hormone wave is the domesticity thing. I baked this morning at 6am! I woke up and all I could think about was muffins. It went something like this "Muffins....mmmm.....mmmmmuffins....need..muffins. MUFFINS!!!!!!" at which point I went bounding into my kitchen, grabbed a cookbook and whipped up a smashing little half batch (1/2 dozen) raspberry/peach muffins, because I was out of blueberries.
I'm not going to lie: DELICIOUS people. I can apparently bake now! Either that, or I'm so willing to eat anything that stands still long enough that you could serve me a shit sandwich and I would thank you. I am a tank right now, totally unstoppable! I ate *more* food *faster* than a man yesterday. We were both a little weirded out by it. hide your children, cause I ate a baby once!

Pets. The animals are good today. it's freezing but I refuse to put the heat on so we're all huddling by my Windows XP space heater for warmth. Star's so cold she's letting the cat touch her.

I have pictures of all of this, and will post them soon but not now. too lazy.

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