Thursday, April 5, 2007

welcome to the monkey house

so im at NSI today, again, forever (?) and the day is dragging a bit. i decided to take some matters into my own hands, because like most large institutions everything here is decided by committee and they get some serious analysis paralysis going on. i on the other hand, like to charge ahead blindly, flailing my proverbial machete and just act without thinking- it seems like it should even out nicely between the two worlds no? so i let them do their thing for a while, then i do mine. and i began the forward charge for the next phase this morning, ruffling some feathers with my quickness but hey- it's their dime. they will thank me for this someday. plus, the main hold-up creator is out of town this week and i really needed to get this shit going while he had no say. sneaky? you bet. effective? si!

right now i'm waiting for someone who is supposed to meet with me. she fancies herself very important, and lots of people here blow smoke up her ass. im pretty sure she's going to hate me and i'm going to hate her back, it should be a picnic. i called her 30 min ago to confirm, and was told she will "most likely" make it (mental note: advertise punch and pie next time, for this is the way to get responses) but that i should wait past the appointed time in case she's late. i wonder how long they think i'll stay (she is notorious for blowing people off without a word). i wouldn't mind so much except that i got a way better offer and turned it down because of this meeting. boo work intruding on my fun!!!

i'm working on my next creation a la paint, but i have to be somewhat discreet about what i'm doing so i might have to pick it up later. who knows, maybe by then i will have a nice dragon lady aspect to add to the thing. the good thing about waiting on this woman is that if she does show up, i get the worst of the lot out of the way first (she is the first in a series of meetings with people who all think they are so great, but they're not. ok maybe they are great in some sense of the word, but curing blindness does not make you a good person, unless you do it for free in 3rd world countries sometimes, which some people here do; coincidentally, these very people are the ones who insist you call them by their first name, and you would never know how esteemed they are if it were not for the signatures on their emails. /rant lol)

so anyway. what's happened today that's interesting:
1) i bumped into some guy that i see at the climbing gym. funny, because i always see him here and think i know him but cant remember from where, and i always see him there and think i know him but the same deal. i think it's the complete 180 in attire that was throwing me, but today it clicked, and so don't you know when i introduce myself to him in front of a crowd of people waiting to get on the elevator i say "i didn't recognize you with a shirt on". haha. kerry does it again, cause yeah, you know how i do. i got lots of wide eyes at that comment, and a nice big smile from mr man (hello mr man. i see you have a sense of humor; this is good.)
2) something else happened i know it, but i just got so lost in my little reverie about mr man and his muscles that i have totally forgotten it.
3)update 5:15pm: fucking bitch totally blew me off. it was awesome, because she called and said she would be late and to wait a little more. then she called and said she wasnt coming at all. fucking cunt. there,now that that's out of my system. sigh...

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