Sunday, April 15, 2007

picture blog

because i am lazy and tired and don't feel like going out in the rain to do the errands i didnt do yesterday (which inlcudes buying meat for beef stew i absolutely must have today), i thought i would blog to stall from having to get moving :0)

here are some pictures from the week:

these muffins are from a cookbook my dad got me for Xmas. here's the recipe online, but these muffins have a twist. i was out of blueberries so i creamed frozen peaches in the blender and used raspberries in place of the whole blueberries. good is all i'm saying. like wow.

behold, the lusciousness of my muffins. i don't want to talk about what happened to the 4 missing muffins. get off my back ok ?

and here we have proof that hell (or baltimore) has indeed frozen over. star is willingly letting kitty push his bare kitty self up against her for heat. the weather's not so hot today either, hence the stalling on leaving the house. but it's better than it was. the little scamps are still all snuggled up.

"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together - mass hysteria"
and yes, kitty is pawing at my humps. he's quite the ladies man.

ahem. TA DA!!! look, i made a cable knit! ok, so it is dead easy like becky said, and i should have done it months ago, but still yay! i'm not allowed to start any new projects until i get courts scarf and my sisters curtains done, so this is of limited use to me. but it's exciting.

hot neighbor brought me some tulips on weds i think. pretty and still going strong, this is them this morning. i love a hardy flower.

and now out into the nasty i go. after a hot shower and probably a second coffee. or maybe i'll go get a delicious coffee as a reward for going out. mmmm, white chocolate mocha. yeah baby.

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