Thursday, November 9, 2006

the soup

I'm off to create a new batch right now, and this time I'm going to measure for the people. The soup rules. It's cheap, delicious, good for you, versatile AND it keeps you regular. Yep, it's official, I'm getting old. I care about things like being kept regular. Don't wrinkle your nose just because the subject is poop. We all know how much it sucks when that highway is sluggish.

And another solid point in the pro column of the soup is that it's fast cheap and easy as a meal. You just make a bunch and stick it in the fridge and if you're too lazy to cook just eat the soup. Don't have time to cook, heat up some soup. Got the snakkity snaks? have some soup, maybe just a little. It's pretty much nutritionally complete as a meal as far as I can tell so when you're in a slump or a lazy phase, or having a crazy week (we all have them) you can pretty much live off it without worrying you're doing something bad to your body or depriving it of anything. Maybe grab a multivitamin just in case.

The soup and a multivitamin. mmmm. and some diet coke. now this is living.

Anyway, I'll be back later with more tales of soupy goodness.

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