Sunday, January 28, 2007

i think i did a bad thing.

well to start with, i did a bunch of good things today. :o) i winterized all my garden boxes, gathered up all the nasty dead shit and dumped it all down the street. it's the final stage of my "get caught up on shit i have been meaning to do" campaign and i'm pretty pleased with the results.

i X'ed a bunch of other things off my to do list and thought i would give baking a try. i was going to go bike ride but the damn weather cant decide what it's going to do so i gave up. it keeps starting to snow, and i am all set with that. maybe once i get my new jacket clean...

so anyhow. i'm having dinner next door tonight and thought i would whip up some biscotti to bring. only i couldn't find a recipe i liked so i sort of started one then tweaked it a little bit. but i don't think i necessarily did a good thing. i think i beat the flour too much if such a thing is possible and im afraid of what's going to come out of the oven.

i am just not good with written instructions. or things that require precision.

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