Tuesday, January 23, 2007

pondering while i drink my coffee; murder most foul.

i think im going to drown my cat in the toilet. he's becoming very unruly lately. my dad postulates that the cat knows im off balance because adam left and all the other stuff going on, so he's testing my limits. i think my dad's giving the cat too much credit, but if he's right that's even more reason to drown him isn't it?

he's been *hurling* himself into my door at night screaming and when i don't let him in, he goes and attacks the toilet paper. this in of itself is not a huge problem, as the roll that's on there is there mostly to amuse him but it's annoying because he is so doing it to get back at me for not letting him in the room. it's the principle of the thing.

and when i go out, i lock him in the basement so star isn't tempted to go downstairs and raid his catbox (which she has already done WITH injured leg once when i forgot- asshole!). i went down there to watch tv last night and noticed he had eaten some of a hat i was knitting! PRICK! he severed the hat off the yarn ball and at like half a row. fucking dumbass blah blah blah cat.

so anyhow, /kittyrant i guess. i'm starting to take the animals way too seriously.

he is doing some cute stuff now. like cuddling with the dog because she can't really do anything about it.

Notice the helpless look in her eyes. She wants to hate the cat and be mean to him, but the pills make her feel so funny...


The Great Explorer said...

There's more than one way to skin a cat. Ship him up here... I'll prove it. Maybe we could get a whole bunch of people with unruly cats and then we could make a coat. I always wonder why we don't wear more cat and dog, what with the huge overpopulation issue and all. It would give shelter workers that well needed break they're always bitching about.

Becky said...
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