Monday, March 19, 2007

ahahahahahah. awesome!

Meet Conservapedia.

Conservapedia was created to fight the "liberal bias" of Wikipedia. it's either really funny or really sad depending on who you are. I think it's hysterical, I just read up on contraception and tried looking at what they say about premarital sex, but no luck. The page was deleted and is not allowed to be recreated. hahahahaha! (except that these people vote, in which case "uh oh")


coulyn said...

So, on the premarital sex page is a link to all other pages "protected" from re-creation. Some other terms deemed inappropriate...anal sex, beating off, fallatio (perhaps due to the spelling error, but who knows), intercourse, masturbation, oral sex, porno, safe sex and whore. thank god someone is out there protecting us.

Ichiro A said...

Pre-Marital sex is BAD!
You need to go to Church! (LMAO)