Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ZZZZZZZZZZZ: a story, by kerry

total snoozer of a day. i got my ass handed to me this morning because someone assumes i'm an asshole and read too much into my mail, there is political intrigue afoot here at nameless soulsucker and i think it's going to rain shit at some point soon- i just hope i have my umbrella handy- and now i'm stuck in the windowless hellhole that is photography trying for the umpteenth day in a row to get some specific pathologies captured. can i get a ZZZZZZZZ from the people??

it doesn't even matter though. today is weds, which means tomorrow is thurs, my favorite day. i had "the soup" yesterday and all is well inside as of this morning, and also i had a great night last night (which i totally needed because yesterday was also a snoozer, albeit a snoozer punctuated by bursts of sunning myself in various states of consciousness in the yard) what was so great you ask? WELL i'll tell you: first, i had a fantabulous sandwich of toasted cheese on rye (really, it doesn't take much to please me). i got this bad ass gouda last week, which has toasted mustard seeds in it and i have to testify, you put that shit on some rye and you have tasty things that happen in your mouth. witness!

also, climbing rocked. i pegged a 5.10a, which is something i haven't done in a while. then, just to be sure i could really do it, i hit up a few more and made those as well. the last couple were kind of ugly, i was clearly climbing tired (read: i looked like a monkey fucking a football) but i did them so i'm almost comfortable saying i can climb 10s, which is just about where i left off when i left NM. so that's nice.

i also got to talk to my brother and my nephew last night which i hadnt done in a while. quinn just turned 4, so he's very mature now and had all sorts of stories to tell me about bathtubs, soap crayons, fishes, and his new daycare. it's funny how shit like this is interesting because it's my nephew. we all know i don't care about this shit, but i feel like i could listen to him ramble forever (and i'm quite sure he could) sigh. it's the weirdest little things that touch me. haha

so you see, it was a good night. and here is an artist's representation of said good night:

Tonight promises to be just as much fun. I'm going to be spending some time knee deep in legal docs for my project sorting some stuff out, then I'm going to cut my hair which is always good for a laugh. If anything horrid happens, I'll take pictures and blog it Stat!

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